
christmas elf coloring pages: 20 free printable drawings

For all those looking for a Christmas elf coloring! Here are 20 free printable Christmas elf designs for your children! To print one of these Christmas elf coloring pages at home, all you have to do is click on the chosen model, it will then open in a Pop Up window and you will just have to click on the printer.

After having made a Christmas elf coloring page, read this little elf story to the children!

Learn Vocabulary Words That Start With X For Kids

Perlimpinpin goes on an adventure

Here is the story of Perlimpinpin, a nice elf who lived in the village of Trois Rennes. He was now old enough to look for work, but no one wanted to give him a chance because he was different. Indeed, he stuttered, that is to say, that he pronounced the words by repeating the same sounds several times.

The village of Trois Rennes was so named, because a family of reindeer was famous there. At the beginning of each winter, she left the village to go to the North Pole to help Santa Claus. Perlimpinpin also decided to leave his village, where he could not find a job.

Papa reindeer, after some hesitation, agreed to take Perlimpinpin with them. After all, it was a long trip and he would keep them company. Perlimpinpin went away with a happy heart with them.

Then they finally arrived, surrounded by a troop of curious people. Santa’s elves weren’t too keen on the arrival of the newcomer. So when he presented himself to them, they all laughed at him. Really, it’s not easy to make friends when you’re different. Fortunately, he was greeted warmly by Santa Claus, who invited him to come and listen to the choir the next day. Soon a choir competition was going to be organized between the elves from all the surrounding villages, and Perlimpinpin was going to attend the rehearsals.

As soon as he heard the Christmas elves sing, Perlimpinpin had a revelation: he was going to become a singer. He then began to sing at the top of his voice, without paying attention to his surroundings and without even thinking about his stuttering. Suddenly, silence fell around him. Not only did Perlimpinpin have a magnificent voice but, in addition, when he sang, he no longer stammered.

A thunderous applause was heard at the end of the song. No, he must have been dreaming, it was surely not him who was being acclaimed in this way. And if, however!

Within days, Perlimpinpin became the star singer of the choir, and of course, thanks to him, Santa’s elves won the contest.

Each spring, Perlimpinpin would go to visit his parents and he would leave at the end of the fall with the three reindeer to join his choir. Since that day, we never heard Perlimpinpin stuttering again, and we even came to listen to him sing from the other end of the country.

Have fun with these coloring pages of little elves! Kids can also color a Christmas elf to make a wall decoration. A Christmas elf coloring page will make a splash on your walls!

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