Digital Marketing & SEO

How to Create an Effective Theme For Your Business Social Feed

Do You Have A Theme For Your Business Social Feed?

Have you ever looked over an individual’s Instagram and been awestruck by how well-organized their feed looks?

Do you ever wonder if there’s something you can do with your social media posts?

Social media pages for your business are crucial to growing organically.

In addition, using eye-catching images on your feed will keep your Instagram Followers Malaysia readers interested and interested in your posts.

It’s a good thing that creating a stunning social media feed doesn’t need to be a difficult process.

This is why in this day’s LYFE guides to business graphic design, we’ll teach you how to design an attractive theme for your business social feeds.

Instagram: The Perfect Platform To Create Themes For Business Social Feeds

Of all the most popular social media platforms in the present, Instagram’s feed is the most visually “theme friendly” site.

It’s because their page layout has images displayed in the familiar grid layout that we’ve come to love and recognize.

When you’re creating social media images that have a common theme It’s best to consider how great it will look on Instagram.

What looks good when combined in an Instagram feed, will look fantastic on other platforms.

This is for all of your social media accounts, whether Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or any other social media platform that is used specifically designed for commercial use…

…you have to complete the following.

Things You Need To Have A Theme For Business Social Feed

Color palette



Feed Pattern

1. Color palette

A color palettes can keep your graphics looking unique specific to your company.

Choose the colors you would like your company to be the most closely associated with. If you already have a logo in place, be sure to use colors that are similar to those.

We suggest you create two palettes that include:

  • The primary colors: These are at the very least, 2-3 colors that you’ll be using in your graphic designs.
  • Colors for accents: Don’t be afraid to include accent colors that complement your primary color scheme.

These are small accents that you can add into buttons, subtext and other elements that keep your graphics consistent and not rigid looking.

Check out our article on colors here. It will help determine which colors work best for your company’s image.

2. Textures

You can include textures into the form of:

  • waves,
  • geometric patterns or
  • crumpled paper

In essence, anything that adds to a design that gives it an added flair and keeps the image from appearing flat.

Remember that textures are easily used too much.

The best rule for texture usage is to make sure that no matter where within your image you put your texture…

…make sure that your graphic doesn’t divert the attention of the viewer away from the message itself or the main point of your image.

3. Font

Being consistent in your font usage is essential to keep a feed looking professional and neat.

Choose one text font for your headline, as well as one primary Subheadline, paragraph or other font you want to select for all your images that have text within the fonts.

In the same way, as you require an accent color to your palette of colors, decide on an accent font for your text.

It can be used for special announcements or greetings.

…like an event, giveaway, sale, or even a promotion you’re running.

Make use of your accent font in a limited way to make your use of it more distinctive and captivating.

4. Feed Pattern

Choose how you would like your feed design to appear. The most popular feed patterns are:

A. alternating between dark and light images

B. The set consisting of three

C. the puzzle

D. black or white border

E. random however, a the color coordinates of the theme

The final decision on which option you choose will be based what you want to accomplish with your company, and the type of content you think your content will work with the best.

It is important that once you’ve made a decision you will stick to the style and avoid making any posts that don’t adhere to the pattern.

If you don’t, you’ll ruin the professional appearance of your feed.


You can design your own graphics for your business using Photoshop,

…or or such as Canva or PicMonkey.

But, if you’re eager to take your business’s visuals to the next level with top-quality graphics, get in touch with our graphic design company today.

Find out the ways we can design elegant business social media feeds Buy Instagram Followers Malaysia with our graphic design and design services.

If you decide on your brand’s colors, textures or fonts, as well as your feed design, you’re on the way to creating an appealing and captivating feed on social media!

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